Community Service And Continuing Education Office


Excellence in community and environmental service at the local level


Communication and openness to society and the environment in the scope, identifying its needs and problems, and working to harness the capabilities and scientific personnel of the college, in order to help solve these problems.


1-rabt alkuliyat bialmujtamae min khilal hasr watahlil alzawahir alsalbia ( aijtimaeiat -thaqafiat -biyiyatun) dakhil almujtamae walmuasasat altaelimiat wataqdim altawsiat bishaniha.
2- 'iifadat almujtamae min 'iimkaniaat alkuliat wakhibratiha aleilmiati, waltaelimiat watawzifiha mjtmeyaan wbyyyaan, wataeziz ealaqat alkuliat bialtafaeul almubashir mae almujtamae almahaliyi waihtiajatihi.
3-altansiq mae aljihat almukhtasat bikhidmat watanmiat almujtamae walbiyati, dakhlyaan wdwlyaan.
4-alnuhud bialeamal altatawueii fi alkuliyat walmujtamae almahaliyi yaetamid ealaa 'usus mihniat wamuasasiatin, wataeziz mafhum altanmiat almustadamat alati tastahdif al'iinsan watushajie ealaa alaistithmar fi almasadir albashariati.

Organizational Structure

1. Harnessing the college's material and human capabilities to meet the needs of society.
2 Building a system of relationships between the college and various community institutions, by investing human and material energies through providing development programs for various segments of society.
3 Providing programs suitable for community segments of different ages and cultural and economic levels, in the form of lectures, meetings, scientific seminars, training and rehabilitation courses, such as programs targeting human rights, such as the rights of people with disabilities and youth, women and children programs.
4 Conducting studies and research in various fields of knowledge, which provides the opportunity to learn about the problems and challenges facing society, thus forming a clear picture of what is required to develop and grow society.
5 Developing human resources in various sectors of society by organizing training courses aimed at raising the competencies of the target group, which would integrate human expertise and technological progress, to meet the requirements of the labor market.
6 Focusing on marginalized groups in society, which need to be highlighted by providing appropriate training and rehabilitation programs, which makes them an effective and productive group in society.
7. Expanding the scope of cooperation and partnership between the office and local institutions, within the framework of knowledge, scientific and training exchange in various academic, research and professional fields.
8 Developing continuing education programs, by introducing the experiences and material and intellectual capabilities that the College of Education abounds with, and working to link them to the practical life of individuals; with the aim of helping them employ their acquired experiences and knowledge in developing their intellectual and professional skills.