Excellence in managing studies and examinations in order to prepare the educational teacher and scientific researcher capable of leading society.
Development and excellence in developing studies based on quality standards and contributing to the graduation of distinguished teachers capable of assuming their responsibilities.
1- Improving the progress and performance of the educational process with its various programs and activities, in order to achieve the desired goals of the college.
2- Continuous updating and purposeful evaluation of the mechanisms and methods of managing examination systems in its two aspects "applied and practical" in the scientific departments of the college.
3- Enhancing the student's knowledge of the legal and administrative regulations governing the procedures of study and examinations in the college.
4- Benefiting from the administrative cadres and supervising their development to carry out the burdens of evaluation and measurement of the educational program system in the college.
5- Providing the administrative requirements and modern educational means for the scientific departments to ensure the success of the educational program in achieving the desired goals.
1. It varies between the academic departments in setting the study budget and covering the common courses among faculty members.
2. Deciding on requests for movement between departments, and the transfer of students to and from the college, in coordination with the university departments and the college registrar.
3. Preparing lists of the names of students who have the right to enter the exams, and determining their attendance numbers for their attendance, they have the right to apply for the exam in it. 4. Studying the exam cards and handing them out voluntarily.
5. Organizing the study rules, study laws, periodic and final exams.
6. Following up on academic matters and supervising periodic and final exams.
7. Distributing supervisors in periodic and final exams in coordination with the academic departments.
8. Informing the judicial courts of the exam results.
9. Preparing reports on the progress of the educational process and exams to present them to the college's academic council.
As a result, the study and exams department has six offices: 1- Internal data offices. The office performs the following tasks: Preparing the computer time frame.
Following the college's curriculum.
Distributing scientific departments to scientific departments, supervising their preparation and equipping them with scientific furniture.
Following up on the preparation of general and specialized study plans in coordination with departments.
Following up on the progress of academic, basic and compensatory lectures.
Providing all means of comfort for faculty members 2 Examination Budgets Office The office performs the following tasks: Distributing examination departments to scientific departments, supervising their preparation and equipping them with furniture immediately Examinations follow-up on the preparation of distinction and final exams in coordination with departments Follow-up on the conduct of various and final exams with departments 3- Educational course books and educational qualification The office performs the following tasks: Administrative supervision and follow-up of European progress.
Developing study programs for Al-Barakat.
Supervising the European semester and final exams Misurata, of course, with the general center for their preparation.
Each of these teachers is headed by: Professor Jamal Emhamed Shafter, who has a Bachelor of Arts degree in History - University of Ohio. Year 1999 AD 4 - A full office for specialized employees: Badr Hassan Arhuma, who has a Diploma in Computer Science - Misurata. It is one of the educational support services offices affiliated with the Department of Study and Examinations at the college. The system was established during the 2006/2007 academic semester, and in keeping pace with the development and modernization of the educational support services at the college. The college has provided a reliable hall for the main computer for distribution to the rest of the devices. The system is electronically connected to the Department of Study and Examinations and publishing the registration, and it has also been linked. The college has been able to obtain a student via the Internet to be able to register their courses and obtain their results.
Its services system has developed in the following advanced framework: 1. Opening the electronic link to enable them to register their graduates at the beginning of each semester, in addition to the results of the announcements through the electronic link as well.
2. A course of experimental models for undergraduate students, and a course for transferring the lists of names of students registered in the courses to faculty members, to record attendance and absence, and record the year's work.
3. Referring the lists of students expected to graduate to the Registration Department to obtain a graduation certificate.
4. Withdrawing graduation certificates and grade lists and referring them to the Review Office in the Study and Examinations Department. 5. The final results for students in each department on their summaries according to their accumulations.
6. Referring the lists of students who have been warned and dismissed to the Registration Department to complete the administrative measures for them.
7. The study card card and the grades of the college students are estimated.
5 - Printing Office: It is one of the educational support services offices in the college, and it prints schools and internal correspondence in the college, and prints study and examination programs and lists of names and grades.
6 - The photography and withdrawal office, which is one of the educational support services offices in the college, and it photographs and withdraws study and examination systems, discovers names and grades, and exam questions, and photographs all links related to the educational process. Employees in the Study and Examinations Department, Faculty of Education, Misurata