Teaching Aids Department

Organizational Structure

1- Preparing and producing educational tools in the college.
2- Supervising the halls designated for displaying educational tools.
3- Assisting faculty members in the college in preparing research papers to participate in scientific conferences.
4- Working to provide devices for displaying cinematic tapes, videos, etc.
5- Working to provide scientific and documentary tapes, slides, and computer disks related to the specializations of the scientific departments in the college.
6 Assisting graduate students in preparing their theses, printing them, and publishing them in the appropriate manner.
The laboratories in the College of Education are considered a fundamental pillar in facilitating the work of researchers, completing scientific plans, training students, and developing their scientific skills.
It seeks to provide an appropriate educational environment for the university student, which is positively reflected in his scientific and academic level, by working to prepare scientific laboratories and providing them with the latest devices.
The laboratories contain many basic and complementary scientific processes in which it is necessary to accustom the student to discovery and experimentation.
The college emphasizes the necessity for the student to practice the practical aspect and use methods of discovery, investigation, experimentation and problem solving under the supervision of a faculty member.


Ismail Mohamed Alamain

Ismail Mohamed Alamain

ِAdministrative Coordinator